8th European Quilt Triennia Tijdspindels 2021
50 contemporary quilts and textile objects from 15 countries show in this exhibition that creativity, artistic inspiration and time-critical statements are not solely reserved for painting, sculpture, graphics and photo art. An international five-ember jury selected these top-class exhibits from over 150 submissions.
Textilsammlung Max Berk – Kurpfälzisches Museum Heidelberg – Brahmsstrasse 8 – D – 69118 Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen
10.10.2021 – 16.01.2022
Kreismuseum Zons – Schlossstrasse 1 – D – 41541 Dormagen
6.2.2022 – 24.02.2022
Textilmuseum St. Gallen – Vadianstrasse 2 – CH – 9000 St. Gallen
7.10.2022 – 8.1.2023
Neon Ladies is out of competition with honorably mentioned because of the size 90x90cm instead of 100×100 cm.